Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Exciting News!!

One week before we left Kansas we discovered we were going to parents again! I thought this would be a cute way to tell all of our family and friends, and get the girls involved from the start. We are sooo excited for the new addition coming to our family... estimated time of arrival December 27!!


  1. Yeah!!! Congratulations to all of you. We are excited for you and hope to get together soon.

  2. How wonderful, and I love the way you announced the news. Tell Julia and Hannah how happy I am for them. (If you were still in Kansas, I'd be signing you up for prenatal visits...ha!)

  3. wow-fantastic! I am so excited-
    Love you all,


  4. wow! Congratulations. What a sweet way to tell everyone. I love it! I think that having a blog is the best thing in the world. Its a special way for your family and friends to keep up on all of the exciting things happening in your lives. We are very happy for you!I look forward to reading your blog... ~Sheron

  5. Hey Becky it has been a long time the twin are so big now, congrats on your new little one cant wait to see pictures. I hope you guys have been doing well.

  6. Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family and also on your move. What an exciting time for you!

  7. So happy to hear about the new Baby. Love all the pictures of the girls. They are Beautiful.
    Hugs to all
    Auntie Gloria
